Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of vasculitis.
Ayurvedic medicineis selected according to the dominant Doshaimbalance in your specific case. For example, if you have a dominant Kapha Dosha, we use Ayurvedic medication that targets and balances the Kapha Dosha. The dosage and intensity of medicine we chose depends on the severity of your vasculitis.
Take as an example a case of inflamed vasculitis that produces mucus and pus. We use Ayurvedic medicine to balance the Kapha and Pitta. The goal of this treatment is to dry the Kapha and pacify the Pitta. We do this by using the lowest intensity of medication possible to decrease the chances of you experiencing side-effects. More is not always better.
If all of your Dosha’s are out of balance, then we must select medicine that can balance all 3 Dosha’s.
The body is in tune with the sun and moon energies as well as the energies of the changing seasons. Ayurveda practitioners believe that many disease states in the human body are related to the planets and the cosmos. We are a small component of a bigger picture. This is why we consider every aspect of life when selecting Ayurvedic medication.
Sinceall Dosha medicines have their own timetables, we must consider the time of day as well as the season when prescribing an Ayurvedic medication. Vata medication is best taken in the morning, Pitta medication is best taken in the afternoon, and Kapha medication is best taken in the evening.
The complete treatment of vasculitis.
In order for vasculitis treatment to be complete, we must also purify your liver. We use diet, lifestyle and Ayurvedic medicine to purify the liver. A healthy liver will ensure the normal functioning of the lymphatic system.
The complete picture appears very complex to the patient. This is why the Ayurvedic practitioner is the one who takes all of this into consideration and gives you very simple instructions to follow so that you can heal.
Ayurveda considers the health of the body as a whole, no matter what condition you present with. So even though you are suffering from vasculitis, we treat your whole system. This is why Ayurveda is very effective at healing the body, not just masking the symptoms.